Things I Don’t Understand (Part 2)

Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox
2 min readNov 13, 2020


Why do “flammable” and “inflammable” mean the same thing?

Does “impeccable” mean “unable to be pecked”? If not, why not?

If I want to be a swashbuckler, where is my “swash” and how do I buckle it?

Why don’t “though,” “dough,” “tough,” “cough,” and “thorough” rhyme? They all end in “-ough.” (This one I know the answer to. If you want me to tell you, ask me.)

I bought a pair of earrings from a pirate, but they turned my ears green. I should have known better. I paid a buccaneer.

Why are baby kangaroos born the size of jelly beans and have to climb up quite a way into the pouch all by themselves, with no help from their mothers? How has the species managed to survive? Who thought up that bright idea?

I don’t understand it, but I love it. Female sea horses deposit their eggs into a pouch in the male sea horse. He goes through labor, and if he doesn’t expel every one of those tiny babies, he dies. I’d come back as a female sea horse, but I like otters better.

It’s a proven fact that time does go by faster the older you get. Why? It hardly seems fair that the less time I have left, the faster it passes. That’s one good thing about the pandemic, though. Being stuck in the house day after day does seem to make the days longer.


How can giraffes have the same number of neck bones as I do?

Why do I spend time thinking about these things? Because I don’t have a life. Please wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands. We need to get rid of this virus, so I can get out of the house again.

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Originally published at on November 13, 2020.



Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox
Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox

Written by Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox

Retired English professor exploring life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

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