The Sun Will Come Out
Things were looking pretty bleak lately, and while there are some things that are still pretty nasty lurking, at least some things have improved.
Whatever bug it was that I had is leaving, albeit more slowly than I would like. I’m finally sleeping again, which is a relief. My mother had a series of breakdowns, and they always started with her not sleeping and wandering around the house at all hours of the night. So while I am now older than she ever lived to be, anything that interferes with my sleep sends warning signals to my brain and tells me I should be very, very scared. She had her first breakdown when she was in college, so if I had inherited her problem, it would have shown up long before now. I know that in my head. But somewhere down deep, the fear remains.
And where that bug came from is a mystery. I haven’t left the house in weeks; Dave does the shopping at some ungodly early hour to avoid crowds, and he got sick AFTER I did. I guess if a bug is going to find you, it will find you. I certainly hope that’s not true of the virus. That would be the height of irony. I give up all social contact, and I get the virus anyway. I didn’t; I’m fine. Life will continue.
And, thank the Lord, the election idiocy is over. Although our fearful leader is finished trying to overthrow the government, he’s still doing all he can to destroy the country and all its dealings with our allies before he leaves. He just cancelled the Open Sky agreement we’ve had with 34 countries for decades, since the fall of the Soviet Union. We had specially equipped airplanes, two of them, which flew over other countries to survey what was going on on the ground that might be dangerous. Russia is in the agreement. We did it in part to watch Russia, so that it couldn’t make, for example, surprise attacks on neighboring countries. Not only did the President-unelect cancel our agreement, which the new President could just restart, he DESTROYED THE AIRPLANES. No lie. There was funding to replace them; it got cancelled. Now he’s destroyed the planes we had. The man just has no sense of humor. I bet he trashes the White House on his way out. Count the silverware.
And I still can’t have Thanksgiving dinner with my family, but there’s hope with the two new vaccines that are coming, one of which I may have already gotten. I was in the test group for the Moderna vaccine, but it was a blind test, so I don’t know whether I got the vaccine or just saline solution. I hope they let me know, so I don’t have to get vaccinated again. Or do.
So if we hang on long enough, things do improve. I feel much better and have some energy back. The transition is in progress, and saner heads will rule, and there’s a good chance we can get vaccinated soon against this virus that wants to kill us all. We just need to hunker down for a little while longer, wear our masks, avoid social contact as much as possible, wash our hands (that was probably my mistake) and make plans for a BIG Thanksgiving next year. 2020, a year that will live in infamy, is coming to a close. Except for my wedding last March, I will gladly ring out this old year. By the neck until it is dead. (Wrong wring. My bad.)